o izložbi | about the exhibition



31. jul – 6. septembar, 2009.

Salon Muzeja savremene umetnosti, Beograd


U trenutku dok je zgrada Muzeja pod rekonstrukcijom, pravac kustoske prakse se usmerava ka radu u javnom prostoru – muzej se izmešta u grad. Na taj način se redefiniše i sama publika, zapravo celokupna zajednica postaje istovremeno i stvaralac i korisnik. Publika predstavlja bitan deo izložbe – postaje, svesno ili nesvesno, aktivni učesnik, i direktno se uključuje u realizaciju pojedinih radova.


Umetnici su pozvani da reaguju na grad realizacijom site-specific radova. Pri istraživanju grada Beograda otkriveni su javni, fleksibilni prostori otvorenog identiteta, ispunjeni potencijalom. 


Salon Muzeja savremene umetnosti služi kao “informaciono” mesto koje se tokom  izložbe puni dokumentima realizovanih procesa u gradu. Galerija postaje medijator između prolaznika i grada. Kada posmatrač uđe u  Salon, on se zapravo poziva da ponovo kroči u grad kako bi otkrio originalne radove.


Izložba BEOGRAD:NEMESTA je priča o gradu i njegovim urbanim, društvenim, ličnim dilemama.


Autori izložbe:

Una Popović i Dušica Dražić



Možete preuzeti katalog izložbe (pdf, 1.3 MB):





31. July – 6. September, 2009

Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade




While the main building of the Museum of Contemporary Art is under reconstruction, the focus of curatorial practice has been shifted towards art in public space. As a result, the museum was relocated into the city and the public was consequently redefined – in fact the whole community became both the creator and the consumer. The public symbolizes a crucial element of this exhibition – either consciously or unconsciously, they are now an active participant directly involved in realization of certain artworks. 


Artists have been invited to react to the city by their own site-specific works. While exploring the city of Belgrade, artists have discovered many public spaces that are flexible, have an open identity and great potential.


Salon represents an information and a meeting point in which the contents will be changed during the exhibition, while following the progress of each work within the city. The gallery becomes a mediator between the visitor/passer-by and the city. When the visitor enters the Salon, he/she is invited to re-enter the city in order to see the original artworks.


The exhibition BELGRADE:NONPLACES is a story about the city and its urban, social and personal dilemmas.


Authors of the exhibition:

Una Popović i Dušica Dražić



You can download the exhibition’s catalogue (pdf, 1.3 MB):